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käsite, asiasana, YSO-koostekäsite: voima


AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 42758
altLabel voima
koodi 42758
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
liittyy 'Fortitudo', Fortitude ~ one of the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost, 'and the power' ~ the Lord's prayer, Adam is given dominion over all created things, Authority, Power; 'Dominio', 'Giurisdittione' (Ripa), Bia, Force, Violence, Compulsion, Cratus, Strength, Cupid disarming the strong; the Power of Love, Fortitude, 'Fortitudo' ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto throwing dice for the lordship of the sky, the sea, and the underworld, Moses melts the calf, grinds the gold into fine powder, mixes it with water and makes the people drink it, Paul visits Peter in prison at Antioch, and forces him to eat, Porcia, to show her husband Marcus Brutus with what fortitude she can bear pain, gives herself a wound in the thigh or foot, Power of Eloquence; 'Forza sottoposta all'Eloquenza' (Ripa), Powers (with flaming sword) ~ hierarchy of angels, St. Bernard of Clairvaux forcing the devil to put a new wheel under his cart, St. Bernard of Clairvaux forcing the devil to recite psalms, St. Romuald refuses emperor Otto III admission to the church, reproaching him for his cruelty, and forcing him to confess, Strength, Power; 'Fortezza', 'Fortezza d'Animo e di corpo', 'Fortezza del corpo congiunta con la generosità dell'animo', 'Fortezza & valore del corpo congiunto con la prudenza & virtù del animo', 'Forza' (Ripa), Thomas is forced to walk on glowing bars, Vitality, Viability, Vital Force, Zerubbabel says (writes) that truth is the strongest of all things ~ contest of the three guardsmen, Zerubbabel, the third guardsman, says (writes) that women are strongest ~ contest of the three guardsmen, contrast between important and unimportant people; the inferior before the superior, the weak before the mighty, conversion of Jews by force ~ anti-semitism, death of Scylurus: the Scythian king, on his deathbed, enjoins his eighty sons to break a bundle of rods (or arrows) tied together; when they can't do this, he breaks the rods one by one, thus teaching them that united they will be strong, divided weak, division of winds according to strength, elementtien erottaminen toisistaan jonkin luovan voiman toimesta ~ klassinen mytologia, exercise of skill and strength (~ pleasure fair), forced conscription, press ganging, forced sale, fortitude, strength, 'Fortitudo' ~ one of the seven gifts of the body, heikkous, human strength ~ traffic and transport on land, martyrdom of Eleazar: the old man is forced to eat pork and voluntarily submits to the flogging (2 Maccabees 6:18-31), power, 'Potestas' ~ one of the seven gifts of the soul, struggle for the hegemony between David and Saul's descendants (2 Samuel 2-5), the Philistines offer Delilah eleven hundred pieces of silver in return for the secret of Samson's strength, the clemency of Demosthenes: when Aeschines is banished to Rhodes, he runs after him and forces him to accept the money-bag, the first guardsman says (writes) that wine is the strongest of all things ~ contest of the three guardsmen, the second guardsman says (writes) that the king is the strongest ~ contest of the three guardsmen, three or more clasped hands, meaning 'Unity is Strength', transfer of power, violent death by overfeeding, force feeding, voimankäyttö, yliluonnollisia voimia omaavat ihmiset
nimi Voimat, kraft, voima, voima (kooste), voima_kooste
overlappedByDefinition 1.0
overlapsDefinition 1.0
prefLabel voima (kooste)
suppeampi käsite painovoima
vastaa keyword174340951618, voima, voima kooste, voimat

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