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MAO-käsite, käsite: pata


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liittyy 'cholent' pot (in which food is kept hot) ~ Jewish Sabbath, 'la cruche cassée' (loss of virginity symbolized), Aeson is laid down before Medea; she brews a potion in a bronze pot (an old and dry olive-branch becomes green when stirred in it), Dionysus-Zagreus is torn to pieces, or possibly boiled in a cauldron, Ezekiel's parable of Jerusalem as the empty and rusty pot (Ezekiel 24:1-14), Jeremia (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, 'kiehuva pata', Jeremiah's vision of the seething pot, Medea boils an old ram in a cauldron: a young lamb comes out; the daughters of Pelias watch the scene, Pelops, son of Tantalus, restored to life: Jupiter orders Mercury to put the pieces of the body into a cauldron, Clotho draws the revived boy from it and Ceres gives Pelops an ivory shoulder, St. Cecilia is put in a cauldron of boiling oil, St. Crispin and Crispinian are put in a cauldron of boiling oil, or lead is poured into their mouths; sometimes a drop of lead blinds the executioner or the heathen ruler, St. Cyricus and St. Julitta are put in a cauldron of boiling oil, St. George is put in a cauldron of boiling oil, St. Justina and St. Cyprian are thrown into a cauldron of boiling lead, St. Margaret is plunged in boiling water, St. Vitus (perhaps together with Modestus and Crescentia) is put in a cauldron of boiling oil, apostoli Johannes evankelista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, iso pata, pikari ja käärme, kotka, palmu, kirjakäärö, brewing, boiling (in a cauldron); witches' kitchen, burning smoke-maker, smudge pot ~ extermination of insects, chamber-pot, chamber-pot is emptied from above ~ chasing away (unwanted) lover, death of Democles: he throws himself into a cauldron of boiling water rather than submit to the love of the tyrant Demetrius, having asked for a sign Gideon prepares food and presents it in a basket to the angel, kahvipannu, keramiikka- ja posliiniastiat: ruukku, kannu, tuoppi, vaasi jne., martyrdom of John in front of the Porta Latina: he is put in a cauldron of boiling oil, but remains unharmed, pot suspended by chain, potted plants, smoking pot as symbol of 'Vanitas', teepannu; samovaari, the animals are killed and roasted over fire; other offerings are boiled in pots and cauldrons ~ Josiah celebrating the Passover, the damned souls boiling in great cauldrons, the daughters of Pelias kill their father in his bed; Medea plunges his body in boiling water, the gathering of manna (in baskets and pots), the martyr Erasmus (Elmo), bishop of Formiae; possible attributes: boat, capstan, carpenter's nails under fingernails, cauldron, windlass with entrails, the martyr Vitus (Veit, Guy); possible attributes: bird, cauldron, cock, dog, hare, lamp, lion, loaf, model of church, stick (or cudgel)
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