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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: kappelit


Rooms or small buildings that serve as sanctuaries or places of Christian worship. A chapel may be used for private worship in or attached to a church, palace, house, prison, monastery, or school. It may alternatively be used for public worship of the established Church, subordinate to or dependent upon the parish church, the accommodation supplied by which it in some way supplements. The concept includes both freestanding chapels and rooms or recesses serving as chapels in churches or other buildings. The term may also be used in its original meaning, which was to refer specifically to the shrine in which the kings of France preserved the cape (cloak) of St. Martin. The Latin "cappella" or the French-derived "chappelle" or "chapelle" are occasionally used for "chapel" in English texts.

Open helmets, of iron or steel, with a horizontal or downward-sloping broad brim running all the way around, sometimes pierced with an eye slit. They were worn by infantry and besieging forces, more rarely by knightly classes, from the 12th to the 17th century.

definedConcept Y1809
id 300004590, 300201774
kuvaus , Open helmets, of iron or steel, with a horizontal or downward-sloping broad brim running all the way around, sometimes pierced with an eye slit. They were worn by infantry and besieging forces, more rarely by knightly classes, from the 12th to the 17th century., Rooms or small buildings that serve as sanctuaries or places of Christian worship. A chapel may be used for private worship in or attached to a church, palace, house, prison, monastery, or school. It may alternatively be used for public worship of the established Church, subordinate to or dependent upon the parish church, the accommodation supplied by which it in some way supplements. The concept includes both freestanding chapels and rooms or recesses serving as chapels in churches or other buildings. The term may also be used in its original meaning, which was to refer specifically to the shrine in which the kings of France preserved the cape (cloak) of St. Martin. The Latin "cappella" or the French-derived "chappelle" or "chapelle" are occasionally used for "chapel" in English texts.
laajempi käsite Christian religious building spaces, body armor: helmets, uskonnolliset rakennukset
liittyy Pyhä Kristoforos, Jeesus-lapsi olkapäillään, kahlaa veden läpi ja kantaa matkasauvaansa (palmu-puu); toisinaan kauempana rannalla kappelin vierellä seisoo erakko, lyhty kädessään, St. Louis IX carrying relics (crown of thorns and three nails) towards the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, after the miracle of the roses, Christ and Mary appear to St. Francis of Assisi in the Portiuncula chapel, chapel (interior of the house), kirkkorakennukset, kirkon eksteriööri, krematoriot, parts of church exterior and annexes (with NAME), parts of church interior (with NAME), patron handing over model of church (or chapel), pilgrims gather at the submarine chapel of St. Clement every year when the waters recede; a mother finds her child, left behind the previous year, safely asleep in the chapel, the Last Communion of St. Mary Magdalene, administered by St. Maximin, bishop of Aix, in his chapel; she kneels before him, supported by angels, when the waters recede, the body of St. Clement is recovered in a submarine chapel built by angels
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi chapels, kapell, kappeli, kappelit, kettle hats
on sama kuin p300201774
parentNonPreferred religious buildings
prefLabel chapels, kapell, kappelit
suppeampi käsite hautakappelit, siunauskappelit
vastaa kappeli, kappelit, p11797, p300004590
yläluokka rakennukset käyttötarkoituksen mukaan, uskonnolliset rakennukset

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