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käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: tytöt


Refers to female human beings from birth through adolescence.

AAT-näkymä Henkilö, toimijat
Kaunokki-tunnus 44962
definedConcept Y10598
id 300247581
koodi 44962
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Refers to female human beings from birth through adolescence.
laajempi käsite lapset, lapset, people by gender
liittyy 'parthenia', Greek religious songs by choirs of maidens, Achilles discovered among the daughters of Lycomedes, i.e. Achilles on Scyros: when presents are brought Achilles snatches up the weapons and thus betrays his identity, Ahasuerus has the most attractive maidens of his kingdom put into his harem in order to select a new queen from among them ~ story of Esther, Apelles uses five girls as models for a picture of Diana, Bacchus, possibly disguised as a girl, entrusted to the care of Ino, Hymenaeus, disguised as a girl, follows his beloved to a sacrificial ceremony, Krishna playing the flute, surrounded by dancing maidens, Leucippus, son of Oenomaus, in the guise of a girl tries to gain the affection of the nymph Daphne, Moses at a well meets the seven daughters of Jethro, the priest of Midian, Saul and the servant, on their way to Samuel, meet some girls at the well of Ramah, St. Jerome tempted by a dance of young girls, Zeuxis makes a picture of Helen for the temple of Juno and uses five (four or six) girls as models, bishop Remigius (Rémi) of Rheims; possible attributes: dove with a phial of oil in its beak, (kneeling) maiden, phial of oil, bridesmaid, female infant, girl (child between toddler and youth), girls' clothes, initiation usages for young women, lapsi (kotona), naiset, neito, neitokainen, nuori nainen, poikamiestytöt, pojat, the Benjamites lying in wait in the vineyards and spying upon the dancing maidens of Shiloh, the bishop Nicholas of Myra (or Bari); possible attributes: anchor, boat, three golden balls (on a book), three purses, three children in a tub, three maidens, the deacon Cyriacus of Rome; possible attributes: book of exorcism, demon under feet, dragon, girl (Artemia), palm-branch, sword (or axe), the temptation of St. Thomas Aquinas: with a brand of fire he chases a maiden, who tried to seduce him, from his chamber, toddler (female), tyttäret, under the influence of Matthew, Egippus' daughter Ephigenie and other maidens refuse to marry, young female (human being)
nimi flickor, girls, tyttö, tytöt
on sama kuin Tytöt
parentNonPreferred youth
prefLabel flickor, girls, tytöt
suppeampi käsite poikatytöt
vastaa keyword174340972368, p300247581, p7196, tytto, tytöt
yläluokka lapset

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