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käsite, YSO-käsite: lopettaminen


altLabel avlutande, lopettaminen
definedConcept Y17271
liittyy Aaron, with his censer running into the middle of the assembled people, stops the plague, and stands between the living and the dead, Eve takes the fruit from the serpent (or the tree) in the presence of Adam (who may be trying to stop her), Interruption, Cessation, Judith and her maidservant are halted by the campguards, Moses (and Aaron) causing a plague to cease (recurrent scene ~ the ten plagues), Saul stops pursuing David, St. Nicholas of Tolentino as plague patron: with his hand he stops the arrows sent down by God or an angel, an angel holding a sword bars the way and causes Balaam's ass to turn aside; the angel is invisible to Balaam, during the foot-race Hippomenes drops the three golden apples; Atalante stops to pick them up, and is thus beaten, keskeyttäminen, lakkauttaminen, luopuminen, suspension of hostilities (truce), suspension, expulsion (from a society), the emperor riding out is stopped by the mother of the dead baby ~ justice of Trajan, the fire ceases when Moses prays
lisätiedot 1) suorittaa jokin työn tai toiminnan viimeinen vaihe, tehdä jokin valmiiksi, saattaa jokin loppuun, päätökseen; 2) tehdä loppu jostakin työstä, toiminnasta, luopua jostakin, keskeyttää; 3) (vars. haavoittuneen tai sairaan eläimen) tappamisesta
nimi discontinuation, lopettaminen, lopetus, slutande
prefLabel discontinuation, lopetus, slutande, stopping
vastaa lopettaminen, p5437
yläluokka lopettava muuttaminen
ysoSource Suomen kielen perussanakirja

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