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käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, Iconclass-luokkakäsite: ruumis


AAT-näkymä Henkilö, toimijat
Iconclass-tunnus 31 E 3
Kaunokki-tunnus 46014
altLabel avlidna, kuolleet
definedConcept Y12123, Y8245, p15612
koodi 46014
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
laajempi käsite ihmisen kuolema
liittyy 'Leave the dead to bury their own dead ...', 'consecratio', bread and wine changed into the body and blood of Christ, 'kaddish' (Jewish prayer for the deceased, recited standing), (8) Herkules pyydystää kuningas Diomedeen neljä ihmisiä syövää hevosta (tammaa); kun Diomedes on surmattu seuranneessa taistelussa hänen ruumiinsa heitetään hevosille syötäväksi, (alaston) ihmisfiguuri; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa), (corpse of) man eaten by animals, Abraham chases away the birds that come down on the carcasses, Achilles mourning over the body of Patroclus, Adam and Eve discover the dead body of Abel and grieve over it, Aeneas tries to save the body of Pandarus but is hit by a stone thrown by Diomedes; Venus comes to Aeneas' rescue, Ahaziah's body is brought to Jerusalem and buried, Alcyone finds her husband's body washed up on the sea-shore, Alexander covers Darius' body with his own mantle, Amaziah is assassinated in Lachish; his body is carried back to Jerusalem on a horse, Apollo shoots Coronis, but repenting his act he tries in vain to recall her to life, Barabbas and his family pass by when the body of Christ is taken from the cross, Barak comes to Jael's tent; she shows him Sisera's body, Christ dead ~ particularities of crucifixion scenes, Ctesylla changed into a dove: at Ctesylla's funeral, a dove springs from her body (Ovid, Metamorphoses VII 369), Cyrus receives a message concealed in a dead hare from Harpagus, David thanks the Lord after he has slain the giant Goliath, Death as (rotting) corpse, Eglon is found dead, Evilmerodach tearing to pieces the corpse of his father, Father and Holy Ghost holding the crucified Christ (~ Trinity), Gaius Mucius Scaevola before Porsena: he thrusts his right hand into the flames (the body of the king's secretary who erroneously had been killed instead of Porsena may be seen lying on the ground), Geryon, the monster with three bodies and three heads, as personification of Concord, God the Father holding the crucified or dead Christ, Hecate triformis, eli Hekate kuvattuna kolmihahmoisena, vartaloiden selät toisiaan vasten, Hector's body, tied to Achilles' chariot, is dragged around the city, Hecuba finds her dead son Polydorus on the sea-shore, Helena identifies the True Cross: a human corpse is restored to life when it touches the cross, Hercules kills Geryon, the monster with three heads and three bodies, after having slain the herdsman Eurytion, and Orthrus, the two-headed watch-dog, Hercules takes the girdle from the dead body of Hippolyte, the Amazon, Hypnos ja Thanatos kantavat (ilmojen halki) kuolleen ruumista, Isis finds the body of her murdered husband Osiris and brings him back to life, Jehu drives his horses over Jezebel's body, Jehu orders Jehoram's body to be thrown in the field that belonged to Naboth, Joab counting the victims of the battle near Gibeon, Joseph of Arimathaea asks Pilate for the body of Christ, Josiah's body is placed on a chariot and brought to Jerusalem, Judas Maccabeus praying for the dead (2 Maccabees 12:43-45), Lucretia's body is displayed on the way to the Roman Forum, Lycurgus puts his own son to death, mistaking him for vine shoots, and prunes the corpse of its limbs, Marcellus takes the dead body of Peter from the cross, Mark Antony orating to the people of Rome over the body of Caesar, Menelaus carries Patroclus' body from the battle-field, Michael resting beside the dragon's corpse, Narkissoksen kuolema: hän makaa kuolleena lähteen vierellä, samalla kun Ekho suree häntä, Nero surveying the body of his mother Agrippina, Nero viewing the body of Seneca, Nineveh full of carcasses and corpses (Nahum 3:3), Paul's head, found by shepherds, is reunited with the corpse, Priamos lunastaa Hektorin ruumiin (Ilias XXIV), Samson drinks from the ass's jaw-bone after having slain a thousand Philistines, Samson finds a swarm of bees in the lion's body, Saul's body, Sextus Pompeius consults the Thessalian witch Erichto, who lashes a corpse with serpents so that it may foretell the outcome of the battle of Pharsalia, St. Mark appears and indicates his corpse in the church of San Marco in Venice, St. Pantaleon is beheaded; milk instead of blood flows from his body, St. Rumbold's luminous body is discovered in the river, St. Sebastian's body is thrown into the Cloaca Maxima, the main sewer of Rome, Teucer finds the dead Ajax, Thoth weighs the hearts of the deceased at their judgement and reports the result to Osiris, Tullia drives her chariot over the dead body of her father Servius Tullius, Ulysses' body is brought by Telegonus to his mother Circe for burial, Venus sprinkles and anoints Aeneas' body with perfume and ambrosia, a soldier carries Amasa's bleeding body off the road, anointment of Peter's body, anthropomorphic being with two upper bodies, battle for Achilles' body, body, body of the executed displayed in public, body of the executed shown to a few people, carrion, carrion, carrion, carrion, carrion, cult of the dead, death of Lucius Aelius Sejanus: after being executed, his body is torn to pieces by the people of Rome and thrown into the Tiber, death of Plautius: at the death of his wife Orestilla, Plautius in despair stabs himself with his sword; his body is put on the pyre of his wife, death of Polycrates: he is murdered, and his dead body is hung on a cross, death of St. Francis of Assisi: St. Clare of Assisi and her sisters, embracing the body, bid it farewell, death of St. Mary of Egypt: her body is found in the desert by Zosimus; a lion helps him to dig her grave, divination ~ (parts of) the human body, divination ~ human corpse, necromancy, dogs eat Jezebel's body, during a funeral a band of ransacking Moabites is seen approaching and the corpse is thrown hastily into Elisha's tomb; when it touches Elisha's bones the man comes back to life, effigies portraying half-decayed state, eighty men who came to offer sacrifice in the temple are killed and their bodies thrown into a well (Jeremiah 41:4-7), finding of dead or dying person, from a corpse lying in a bronze horse Gyges takes a magic ring, which has the power of making someone invisible, hautaaminen, hautajaisseremoniat, headless body of a beheaded person, henki (tai sielu) ruumiin vastakohtana, hukkunut henkilö, in the morning the concubine of the Levite lies dead on the threshold, keho, kuolema, meeting between the (three) living and the (three) dead, ...
lisätiedot kuolleen ihmisen tai eläimen ruumis; voi viitata myös elävän ihmisen tai eläimen ruumiseen
nimi body, deceased people, döda, kroppen, kuolleet, ruumis, the corpse, vainajat
on sama kuin Vainajat, p15612
prefLabel body, deceased people, döda, kroppen, ruumis, vainajat
suppeampi käsite apparent death, certification of death, autopsy, post-mortem examination, decomposition (of dead body), finding a dead person
vastaa keyword174340924818, kuolleet, not 31E3, p200, p4005, ruumis, ruumis
yläluokka ruumiinosat, toimintaan liittyvä rooli
ysoSource MOT Lääketiede 2.0a

Liittyy kohteisiin

elämäkerta (2), Kalevalan paikka (4), kalevalan toimija (1), kirjallinen teos (20), maalaus (4), museoesine (1), ruumis (79), taideteos (2), valokuva (1), video (5)


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(alaston) ihmis...

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