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käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: matkat


AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 43261
definedConcept Y9201
id 300162867
koodi 43261
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
laajempi käsite tapahtumat
liittyy Abraham's journey to Gerar, Balaam resumes his journey after the encounter with the angel, Exodus (osa II): Israelin kansan matka Siinain vuoren luo, Jacob and his family go to Egypt (Genesis 46:1-27), Jacob's journey, Jacob's journey to Haran, Joseph and his brothers return to Egypt, Joseph on his way to Egypt with the Ishmaelites (Joseph may be shown weeping at the tomb of his mother as they pass by), Joseph's brothers set out on their journey home, Marian ja Joosefin matka Betlehemiin, Mary on her way to Judah, Naomi's return to Bethlehem (Ruth 1:6-22), Oedipus meets his father Laius, who is on a journey to Delphi; as Oedipus refuses to move aside for his carriage, a quarrel arises, Paul goes from Jerusalem to Tarsus, Paul's journey to Rome (Acts 27-28), Peter's journey to Rome, Samson and his parents on their journey to Timnath, St. Ursula and her companions travelling by boat on the Rhine, Thomas' journey to India by ship, Tobiaan matka Ekbatanaan (Tobiaan kirja 4-6), Troijan sota: matka Troijaan, fictitious journey; journey to the other world, 'accès à un autre monde', first journey of Joseph's brothers to Egypt (Genesis 42), journey of Mary, Joseph and Christ to Jerusalem, journey of the three Wise Men to Jerusalem, journey to heaven, pathway to heaven, journey to hell, kertomus Tobiaasta: Tobiaan paluu (Tobiaan kirja 10-13), kiertueet, matka Emmaukseen: kaksi opetuslasta (Kleopas ja Pietari) matkalla, matkamuistot, matkatavarat, matkavakuutus, miraculous journey of Andrew and his disciples to the land of the cannibals, on his journey home from Jerusalem, the Provençal prince miraculously recovers his wife and their child on an island, on the way to Damascus Christ appears to Saul, who falls from his horse and is blinded by the light, pilgrimage of the Provençal prince and his wife by boat, return from pilgrimage, second journey of Joseph's brothers to Egypt (Genesis 43), the Holy Family (and sometimes others) returning to Israel, the Israelites break camp and start on their journey ~ the book of Numbers, the Phaeacian ship, on its return journey, is turned into stone by Neptune, the Provençal prince leaving Jerusalem and returning to Marseilles by boat, the first missionary journey of Paul (Acts 13-14), the flight into Egypt: Mary, Joseph, the child (and sometimes others) on their way; Mary usually riding on an ass, the journey of the returning captives under Ezra's leadership, the journey to Bethel ~ story of Jacob, the journey to Shinar, the master of the house making a long journey ~ parable of Christ (Mark 13:34-37), the return journey and arrival in Canaan (Eliezer and Rebekah), the return journey of St. Ursula by boat, with pope Ciriacus and cardinals, the return journey of the Levite and his concubine (Judges 19:10-30), the sea voyage of St. Eustace and his family: since he has no money, the captain of the boat seizes his wife (Theospita or Theopista) by way of payment, the second missionary journey of Paul (Acts 16 - 18:21), the shepherds go to Bethlehem, the third missionary journey of Paul: the stay in Ephesus (Acts 19), the third missionary journey of Paul: the tour (Acts 20 - 21:16), tutkimusmatka, under the leadership of Sheshbazzar (Zerubbabel) the Jews return to their country, voyage ~ ambassador
nimi journeys, matka, matkat, resor
prefLabel journeys, matkat, resor
suppeampi käsite aikamatkat, häämatkat, kielimatkat, koulumatkat, liikematkat, lomamatkat, lukijamatkat, luokkaretket, maailmanympärimatkat, merimatkat, mielikuvitusmatkat, opintomatkat, risteilyt, safarit, seuramatkat, terveysmatkat, tutkimusmatka, työmatkat
vastaa keyword174340097371, matka, matkat, p300162867, p366
yläluokka tapahtumat

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