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YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AAT-käsite: holografia


A method of forming three-dimensional appearing images by laser light. When properly viewed, the interference pattern recreates the pattern of light originally reflected by the subject. Allows multiple perspectives such that images in the background are obscured and revealed by those in the foreground as the angle of view changes.

definedConcept Y7570
id 300053341
kuvaus A method of forming three-dimensional appearing images by laser light. When properly viewed, the interference pattern recreates the pattern of light originally reflected by the subject. Allows multiple perspectives such that images in the background are obscured and revealed by those in the foreground as the angle of view changes.
laajempi käsite interference processes
liittyy kolmiulotteisuus, valokuvaus
lisätiedot Lasertekniikkaan perustuva kolmiulotteisten kuvien valmistus- ja esitysmenetelmä.
nimi holografi, holografia, holography
prefLabel holografi, holografia, holography
related to holograms, holographers
source Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#holografia
vastaa holografia, p1977, p300053341
yläluokka kuvanvalmistusmenetelmät, menetelmät

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