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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: kirkot


AAT-näkymä Paikka, miljöö
Kaunokki-tunnus 43948
altLabel kirkkokunnat, kyrkosamfund
definedConcept Y2152
id 300007466
koodi 43948
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
laajempi käsite religious buildings
liittyy Andrew founds a church in the city, Cunegunda of Bamberg, wife of Henry II, king of Germany; possible attributes: crown, model of church, ploughshare, sceptre, John's letters to the seven churches, Louis IX, king of France; possible attributes: crown of thorns, fleur-de-lis on his coat, three nails, sceptre with fleur-de-lis, model of church, hand of justice, St. Ambrose refuses emperor Theodosius admission to the church, St. Bavo gives his possessions to the poor and is received by St. Amand standing on the threshold of a church, St. Florian as protector against fire with a burning house, or throwing water from a pitcher or bucket over a burning house (or church), St. Justa and St. Rufina as protectresses of the tower of the cathedral of Sevilla, with a model of the 'Giralda', St. Mark appears and indicates his corpse in the church of San Marco in Venice, St. Martha building a church in Marseilles, St. Mary of Egypt is converted on the threshold of the church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem; an angel with a sword prevents her from entering the church, St. Romuald refuses emperor Otto III admission to the church, reproaching him for his cruelty, and forcing him to confess, St. Vedastus taming a wild bear that lived in the ruins of a church, building of church, church, monastery; ecclesiastical, couple entering the church ~ marriage, ekumenia, empress Helena, mother of Constantine the Great; possible attributes: model of church, (royal) crown, crown of thorns, cross, three nails, kirkko, kirkkotarha (kirkon ympärillä), kirkon eksteriööri, kirkon interiööri, kirkossakäynti, married couple leaving the church, merimieskirkot, patron handing over model of church (or chapel), plundering of churchbuilding, convent, etc., pope Innocent III dreams of the Lateran Church about to topple to the ground, but saved by St. Francis of Assisi who propped it up, recovery of the head of John the Baptist in the church of Emesa where the head is dug up, recovery of the head of John the Baptist in the church of Hebdomon by two monks, the 'apostle of Frisia' and archbishop of Utrecht, Willibrord (of Echternach); possible attributes: cask (barrel), well (fountain), child (on a book), model of church, stone bottles, the Dominican theologian, 'Angelic Doctor' Thomas of Aquino; possible attributes: book, (chain with) sun, dove, girdle of chastity, lily, model of church, monstrance (or chalice), mitre (under feet), star (on breast), the Holy Roman emperor Charlemagne; possible attributes: crown, model of church, orb, sceptre, sword, the Holy Roman emperor Henry II of Bamberg; possible attributes: crown, lily, model of church, orb, sceptre, sword, the Provençal prince building Christian churches, the Provençal prince visiting the holy places in Jerusalem (e.g. the Holy Sepulchre), possibly accompanied by St. Peter, the abbess Gertrude of Nivelles; possible attributes: book, pastoral staff, crown, cup, demon, mouse or mice, model of church or hospital, palm, (healing) well, the excavation of the body of St. Hubert in the church of Liège, the hermit and pilgrim Sebald of Nuremberg; possible attributes: crown (at his feet or on book), model of church, the martyr Vitus (Veit, Guy); possible attributes: bird, cauldron, cock, dog, hare, lamp, lion, loaf, model of church, stick (or cudgel), the mass of St. Martin: Martin is shown celebrating Mass in an ill-fitting smock, having given his chasuble to a needy beggar; in church at the altar, a ball of fire descends on his head, and angels cover his arms with sleeves of gold and precious stones, the relics of St. Gervase and St. Protase are brought to the church of Milan in procession, the seven churches ~ Revelation of John, the wife and widow of the Landgrave of Thuringia, and Franciscan Tertiary, Elisabeth of Hungary; possible attributes: beggar, cripple, fish, loaves, leper, model of church, pitcher, roses in lap, scald-head, three crowns, tiekirkot, uskonnolliset johtajat, uskonnolliset yhteisöt
nimi churches, kirkko, kirkot, kyrkor
prefLabel churches, kirkot, kyrkor
vastaa keyword174340355284, kirkko, p300007466, p938
yläluokka organisaatiot

Liittyy kohteisiin

artikkelit (2), diapositiivi (19), elämäkerta (7), ilmavalokuva (4), kirjallinen teos (34), maalaus (9), piirustus (5), rakennettu kohde (1), taidegrafiikka (1), valokuva (3), video (2)

Viimeinen kastr...

Paavi Johannes ...

Iitin kirkko, s...

Askolan kirkon ...

Iitin kirkon ki...

Artjärven kirkk...

Askolan kirkko,...

Tyrvään kirkko,...


Artjärven kirko...

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Kannonkosken ki...

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Tyrvään kirkko,...

Tyrvään kirkko,...
kohteet aakkosjärjestyksessä (19)

Engel Carl Ludv...

Cobben Guillaum...

Leiviskä Juha (...

Paavali (1914 -...

Hemmingus (noin...

Leppänen Jaakko...

Simojoki Martti...

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kirkko, Rääkkyl...

kirkko, Kaavi, ...
kirjallinen teos

Chileläinen yös...

Paavi Johanna

Kulta ei pelkää...

Ajasta ikuisuut...


Pyhä Birgitta

Pariisin Notre-...


Viimeinen tempp...

Vääräuskoisten ...


Marsalkan miekk...

Kadonneet kroni...

Tuomas piispa
kohteet aakkosjärjestyksessä (34)

Ensi lumi

Sakariston ovel...

Sakariston ovi

Sisäkuva Finstr...

Tampereen tuomi...

Erkrathin kirkk...

Lapuan kirkko


Maisema, jossa ...

Lapua ; Kuvitus...

Perhekuva, taus...

Karstula ; Kuvi...

Snappertunan ki...

Fagervik ; Kuvi...
rakennettu kohde

Espoon tuomioki...

Turun jäännöksi...

Vienan Karjala,...

Vienan Karjala,...

Vienan Karjala,...

Etälukio: uskon...

Etälukio: uskon...

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