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käsite, YSO-käsite: haavat


definedConcept Y7379
liittyy Christ on the cross (in a fountain), shedding his blood, Christ showing his wounds, Christ showing his wounds to the apostles, Christ shows Thomas his wounds, Christ standing on or near a fountain, shedding his blood, Christ with wounds caused by scourging, Christ's blood saving mankind, Christ, crowned with thorns, appears to St. Theresa and displays his wounds, Christ-child displaying the five wounds, St. Catherine of Siena touching or kissing the wounds of Christ, St. Margaret of Cortona kneels, supported by angels, before a vision of Christ, who displays his wounds to her ('the ecstasy of Margaret'), Thomas reaching out to touch the wounds in Christ's hands, Thomas touching or stretching out his hands to touch the wound in Christ's side, sometimes Christ leading Thomas' hand, Tuskien mies, 'Imago Pietatis', 'Schmerzensmann': Kristus esittelee pystyasennossa haavojaan, seisoen tai istuen haudassaan, tavallisesti orjantappurakruunu päässään ja varustettuna piinavälineillä, animal(s) being wounded, animal(s) being wounded, animal(s) being wounded, animal(s) being wounded, blood spouting from Christ's wounds, haavoittunut tai loukkaantunut eläin (eläimet), infections and wounds, the Dominican friar Peter Martyr of Verona; possible attributes: crucifix, finger at lips, palm, sword (axe or knife) in skull (or breast), wound in head, the Seven Bleedings of Christ, the five wounded limbs of Christ: heart (side-wound), hands, and feet, the risen Christ (with wounds, but without crown of thorns), sometimes holding the cross, the washing of the wounds ~ Christ's entombment, verenvuoto
nimi haava, haavat, sår
prefLabel haavat, sår
vastaa haava, p7661
yläluokka vammat

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