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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, YSO-koostekäsite: muodonmuutos


AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 47854
altLabel muodonmuutos
definedConcept Y18835, p34845
koodi 47854
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
liittyy 'command these stones to become loaves of bread' ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness, 'consecratio', bread and wine changed into the body and blood of Christ, Aesculapius transforms himself into a serpent (or dragon) and leaves Epidaurus by ship, Amalthea, the nymph, usually in the shape of a goat, suckles the new-born Jupiter, Aristaeus overcomes Proteus despite his many changes, and learns from him why his bees died (his punishment for bringing destruction upon Eurydice), Atlas turned into a mountain as punishment for his inhospitality, Erigone and Bacchus, the latter possibly in the shape of a bunch of grapes, Erysichthon, having squandered all his possessions, is supported by his daughter Metra, who lets herself be sold in various forms, Europan ryöstö, Jupiter ja Europa; Jupiter, yleensä valkoisen härän hahmossa, ryöstää Europan ja kantaa hänet veden yli, Hercules forces Nereus to tell him the way to the Hesperides, but Nereus tries to resist by assuming different shapes, Hercules sacks the city of Pylus; Mars and Juno are wounded; Periclymenus, Neleus' eldest son, after having assumed different shapes is killed in the form of an eagle by Hercules, Ixion embraces a cloud (Nephele) in the shape of Juno, John changes sticks and stones into gold and jewels for two young philosophers (Atticus, Eugenius), Jupiter and Mercury reveal themselves and while the whole country is flooded, the cottage of Philemon and Baucis is saved and changed into a temple, Jupiter ja Leda, Leda ja joutsen; Jupiter, joutsenen hahmossa, ja Leda, Lot's wife looks back at the city and is transformed into a pillar of salt, Mars and Venus making love, Gallus (Alectryon) changing into a cock, Mary appears to St. Nicholas of Tolentino on his sick-bed, offering him a loaf (he changes the loaf into roses), Menelaus (disguised in seal skins, as directed by Eidothea) falls upon Proteus who tries to avoid answering his questions by assuming different shapes, Minerva muuttaa Medusan hiukset käärmeiksi, Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh; Aaron performs the miracle of the rod changing into a snake, Neptune assumes the form of the river Enipeus to seduce Tyro, and makes a wave curl over and conceal them, Neptune in the shape of a bull, and Aeolus' daughter Arne, Neptune in the shape of a ram woos Theophane, whom the god had changed into a sheep, Neptune in the shape of a stallion, and Ceres in the shape of a mare; from their union Arion is born, Neptune, possibly in the shape of a bird, wooing Medusa in the temple of Minerva, Neptunus delfiinin hahmossa, ja Melantho, Perseus flies over the Libyan desert, carrying the head of Medusa; the blood drops that fall from it change into snakes, Perseus lays down Medusa's head on a bed of leaves and seaweed which turn into coral, i.e. the origin of coral, Perseus surmaa merihirviön (tai muuttaa sen kiveksi näyttämällä sille Gorgonin päätä) vapauttaakseen Andromedan; toisinaan Andromedan vanhemmat Kefeus ja Kassiopeia seuraavat tapahtumia, Philyra beloved by Saturn, occasionally in the shape of a horse, Phineus and his attendants are turned into stone, Polydectes is turned into stone while banqueting, St. Sebald meeting Willibald and Wunibald; he changes water into wine and stones into bread, St. Vincent is laid on potsherds, which then change into flowers, Thetis, asleep on the shore, is assailed by Peleus; she tries to elude him by assuming different shapes, Tiresias, striking two coupling serpents with his staff, is changed into a woman, Vamana, assuming gigantic form, jumps with one step over the whole world, and with a second step jumps to heaven, thus humiliating the demon-king Bali, who had offered to him as much land as he could step in three paces, Venus gives Cupid the form and features of Ascanius, a shepherd betrays the hiding-place of St. Barbara to her father; as punishment his sheep are turned into locusts, during dinner on Friday, a goose-leg, offered by St. Ulrich to a messenger from the duke of Bavaria, changes into a fish, hyena, capable of changing sex, metamorfoosit, muodonmuutokset ~ klassinen mytologia, metamorphosis of the gods into different kinds of animals ~ gigantomachy, metamorphosis of the gods, in terror fleeing from Typhon, into different kinds of animals: ram (Jupiter), raven (Apollo), goat (Bacchus), cow (Juno), cat (Diana), fish (Venus), ibis (Mercury), miracle of the rod changed into a serpent ; Moses may be shown fleeing from the serpent, miracle of the sweetening of the water of Marah, miracle of the water changed to blood ~ burning bush, muodonvaihdos, musicians, especially trumpeters, try to comfort Job; he pays them with the scabs of his sores that later turn into golden coins, the Muses flee from Pyreneus and transform themselves into birds (Pyreneus, trying to catch them, falls down to death from the top of a tower), the Phaeacian ship, on its return journey, is turned into stone by Neptune, the meal of the seven first Carthusian monks: St. Hugh of Grenoble transforms the roasted birds into tortoises, the miracle of the leper: a leprous child, laid by Elisabeth in her own bed, is transformed into the infant Christ when her husband pulls off the bedclothes, the plague of lice: Aaron strikes the ground with his rod and the dust turns into lice, the plague of water turned into blood: as Pharaoh goes down to the Nile, Aaron strikes the surface of the river with his rod; the water turns into blood and all the fishes die, transformation, metamorphosis of person, transition, metamorphosis of animals, transition, metamorphosis of animals, transition, metamorphosis of animals, transition, metamorphosis of animals, transition, metamorphosis of animals, water is changed into wine, when St. Homobonus refills his flask after having given away all his food and drink to a beggar, when Turnus sets the Trojan ships on fire they turn into sea-nymphs at Cybele's request, while fighting with Hercules the river-god Achelous changes himself into a bull, or a bull-headed man
lisätiedot 1) tarina joka kertoo ihmisen muuttumisesta tav. eläimeksi tai kasviksi; 2) (geol.) kivilajien muuttuminen kivimassojen liikkeen, paineen tai lämpötilan vaikutuksesta; 3) (el.) muodonvaihdos; 4) (kasv.) muuntuminen
nimi metamorfoosi, metamorfos, metamorphosis, muodonmuutos
prefLabel metamorfoosi, metamorfos, metamorphosis
vastaa keyword174340324227, metamorfoosi, muodonmuutos, p10977, p34845
yläluokka muutos
ysoSource Suomen kielen perussanakirja

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