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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: näytteleminen


Refers to the performing art characterized by movement, gesture, facial expressions, speaking, and intonation, which are used to create a fictional character for the stage, motion pictures, or television. The art of acting is not mimicry, exhibitionism, or imitation, but is marked by the skill to react to imaginary stimuli, a refined sensibility, intelligence, and an ability to convey the intent and feelings of a character to the audience.

concept s used created näyttelijät
definedConcept Y3635
id 300264355
kuvaus Refers to the performing art characterized by movement, gesture, facial expressions, speaking, and intonation, which are used to create a fictional character for the stage, motion pictures, or television. The art of acting is not mimicry, exhibitionism, or imitation, but is marked by the skill to react to imaginary stimuli, a refined sensibility, intelligence, and an ability to convey the intent and feelings of a character to the audience.
laajempi käsite esittävät taiteet
liittyy esittäminen, näyttämöliikunta
nimi acting, näytteleminen, skådespelarkonst
on sama kuin Näytteleminen
prefLabel acting, näytteleminen, skådespelarkonst
vastaa p1281, p300264355
yläluokka taiteellinen luonti

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